Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

Don't be concerned with what you can't do. Work on what you can do- then count your blessings.

~Alan Robinson

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Busy, Busy!

Life has been super busy these last few weeks. I haven’t even had time to blog-stalk my favorite blogs!!
Here are the happening of the last few weeks...

My friend Tara and I got to meet the band Needtobreathe. They were doing a concert in town and we literally ran into them on the stairs! They are super nice guys and said they’re coming back in the fall. So, be sure to go check them out!

Me and Tara with the lead singer

Me with the guitar player

I love David Crowder. He's so out there and funny, but so awesome! He was also in town for a concert. Ben and I double dated with my parents. It was a great evening! He has funny stories, talks with a bit of a Texas accent, and plays great music.

I had my first wedding dress alterations fitting! It was so much fun. My mom and I went to this little shop in Arvada. They had wedding dresses everywhere! They have a little chocolate bar with an assortment of chocolates and wedding magazines/photo albums for you to look through while you wait. I must confess, I love putting on my dress!!! I feel so pretty and elegant. I can’t wait until it’s all done!

This past Friday was Ben’s birthday. Happy 28, babes! We took an afternoon golf trip with Paul, Jeff, and our friend Mike. I hadn’t golfed in about 2 years, but I only whiffed twice! YAY!

That night we had a bbq at his house with his closest friends. It was a fun night with good food, great friends, and a lot of laughs.

Saturday, I moved into the new place! Thanks to a lot of help from friends, we did it all in one load and about 3 hours. I'm so excited to have a new home!

We painted our bedroom walls. This looks more green than what it is in real life. It's more of a grey/green color.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
~Steve Prefontaine

Friday, July 16, 2010

Our First Gift!

Yesterday we got our very first wedding present!!! It was such a surprise and so exciting!!! Our friend, Chris, got us this awesome panini maker. Which is kinda funny because it was literally the last item we added to our registry after my sister suggested it. I can’t wait to use it! So, if you have any great panini recipes, feel free to pass them on!

And, thank you SO MUCH Chris!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Weekday Date Night

Last night Ben and I had a midweek date night. I've been a little stressed lately with work, and moving, and wedding plans and last night was absolutely wonderful!
We rode our cruisers over to Cherry Creek North and grabbed a patio table at Mici. We enjoyed delicious food, a glass of wine and a thunder storm. Just about perfect!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
Muhammad Ali

Monday, July 12, 2010

Chicago Lakes Camping Trip

This weekend we went camping with some friends up at the Chicago Lakes near Idaho Springs. When I was little my family used to go camping all the time. I loved it. We would make s'mores, have pancakes for breakfast, and sleep in a nice comfortable camper.
Apparently, Ben and I have different view on what camping should be. This trip consisted of a 4 mile hike into the camp spot, which means we had to backpack with all of our camping gear. I was ready to give up after the first 3 miles, but we finally made it and the views were amazing!
We roasted chicken brats over the fire for dinner, had s'mores for dessert, and played a few card games.

Ben, Paul, and Lesley at the bottom ready to go

The view from our camp spot



You could hear this stream running from where we were. We ended up climbing up it and found another lake.

Beautiful sunset

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

Winning is not about headlines and hardware. It's only about attitude. A winner is a person who goes out today and every day and attempts to be the best person they can be. Winning is about struggle and effort and optimism, and never, ever, ever giving up.

~Amby Burfoot

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

90 days and counting

*90 days until my wedding!! I can't believe it's just around the corner. Not much has been going on in the past few months, but now the final touches are coming due. I have my first alterations fitting on the 22nd!
*Last weekend some friends of ours got married in our same venue. After seeing their pictures, I can't wait for my own wedding
*I think we might have our honeymoon spot picked out
*I've already started packing up my apartment. I've found a lot of great stuff that I never unpacked from the last time I moved! And I'm getting rid of a ton of old clothes and shoes
*We were rained out of fireworks this year. I was so bummed out! But we had a good weekend celebrating with friends
*We're going to see David Crowder on the 15th. I'm so excited. I love him and all of quirkiness!
*I really like the Orowheat sandwich thins. It's just the right amount of bread
*I'm reading a book about overcoming insecurity. It's been so great and so insightful!
*I'm enjoying the band Needtobreathe. I've had their first album for awhile and my sister introduced me to their new album when I was in California. It's pretty great
*Bing cherries always make me happy

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The New Diggs

Today I turned in my 30 day notice and my last rent check at my current apartment. I have been stressing for about a month about where I (and Ben, once we're married) are going to live.
I am so excited to say that we found that place! It's actually going to be our 1st place together, and I get to break it in a little early. 2 weeks from today, I get the keys!
Here's a little bit about our new place....
*It has 2 bedrooms and 2 FULL baths. and a loft up the stairs
*There's a fireplace in the living room
*It has a laundry room, already furnished with full size washer and dryer
*It has it's very own garage- complete with a dart board, if you're into that sorta thing
*There's a cute little patio area
*It has a real air conditioner! Later window unit
*We can paint the walls! I've never been able to paint the walls before
*It's right by a golf course
*And, it has a community pool
You could say I'm pretty pumped about our new place!

View from the outside. We're the corner unit right up the stairs

The inside. Only we'll have better decorating skills, for sure!