Friday, September 21, 2012

Not for Nitsies

Carb loading is not for nitsies.  I've been following the runner's world diet where 50% of my calories come from carbs, 25% from protein, and 25% from fat.  Overall that's been going well.  I can generally hit those percentages pretty close.  But, with the Rock 'n Roll half coming up tomorrow, Ben and I have upped our carb intake.  Runner's world suggestes upping your carbs to about 85-95% a few days before the race.  You can read the article about it here if you're interested in it.  Let me tell you, Woah Mother!!  It makes a HUGE difference.  I love carbs so i was super excited about this.  Without changing my daily calorie intake I felt SO full, and bloated, and fat.  I felt like Violet in Willy Wonka just waiting for the Oompa Loompas to come roll me around.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Things I Love Lately

~God. This might seem odd, as i'm always thankful for God, but this year i've really grown in my relationship with Him. And the more I learn, the more in awe i am. Our families have gone through some rough patches this year, but God has provided peace, comfort, and healing through all of it.
~Rainy days
~Football season! CU is off to another rough start, but the Broncos have Manning!
~When my hubs brings home flowers for no reason
~Getting to spend time with my sister and bro-in-law
~My new running gear. I recently got compression socks because my shins were hurting. And they're fabulous! But, you can't wear compression socks with capris- it just looks goofy! So, i got a running skirt! It doesn't ride up and it's comfy. I take back all of the bad things i ever said about running skirts.
~Great deals! Ben and I found running shoes at 60% off! And i got this super cute bag for 70% off!
~Relaxing days with the hubs. We recently bought a disc golf set and road our bikes over to a course and played a round. I love doing things like this together!
~The fall crispness in the air
~Starbucks soy chai latte
~Feeling more confident
~Friends that challenge me, push me, and encourage me
~Beth Morre's Daniel study. I think i've mentioned this one before, but it's still going, and i'm still learning A LOT! Daniel is SO much more than a fiery furnace and a lion's den!
~Getting excited for Christmas. The past several years i haven't been excited at all. I usually get the holiday blues. But this year- i'm all over it! Ben and I have already created our gift lists of what to buy poeple, and i've already come up with a few ideas for our Christmas card. Look out! No promises on the Christmas music though...
~Coach McCartney's radio show. Fridays at 4 on 102.3
~Pinterest. I finally caved and created an account. It's actually really cool!
~Bath and Body Work's leaves scent. It's so fall and my absolute favorite!
~Fall tv shows. The voice and Parenthood return! Thank goodness for DVR
~Meb Keflezighi. Check out this video of his workout leading up to the Olympic marathon. It's a little long, and if you don't like running, you probably won't like it, but it's inspiring to see how hard he worked leading up to the Olympics. He represented the USA well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blue Shoe Run

On Saturday we did the Blue Shoe Run for Prostate Cancer. It was a lot of fun to go and support my dad for this race.
Melissa, Ben, and I got up super early and headed down to the race to get in some extra miles. The half marathon is in 2 weeks, so we needed the extra time on our feet!
The beautiful sunrise over the downtown Denver

The fam before the race

Mom and Dad after the race. They were featured on one of the posters advertising the race. They were presented with a framed poster